We are a group as well as institution and work for spreading mental health awareness, providing mental health support and related training, increase students skill development and conducting research for better wellbeing.
We cover:
We are interested in all type of Students across various age range and classes (From Adolescents to young adults)
Our activity generally carried out both online and on site.
Students, Parents, Caregivers and other enthusiastic can conveniently be contracted (via phone, messenger & messenger group, e-mail, and what'sapp) about particular activities that their are eligible for.
When contracted, individuals always have their choice to join their task.
Individuals may also express Interest for specific activities once they join BONDHU.
Any one can join specially Students, Mental Health Experts, Researchers and Research Enthusiastics.
Individuals/ Enthusiastics who enjoy participating new, and interesting activities (that carried a remarkable progress in their life).
Advertisements - Filtering - Viva - Selection - Appointment Letter - Joining Letter - Confirmation mail.