From 2016, Bondhu: Counseling and Psychosocial Research Center-BCPRC started its journey. Since 2020, counseling and tele-counseling services have been introduced by a group of skilled psychologists for proper mental health care in the post-corona period. Apart from this, Bondhu organizes a variety of online and offline courses for students and those interested in psychology and research.
Leadership skills are a very important skill that not everyone can acquire. Leadership skills put a person ahead of others in many ways.
Bondhu always comes to a decision based on public opinion. In line with this, on September 11, 2023, Bondhu: Counseling and Psychosocial Research Center-BCPRC conducted a survey through its various social media channels in which the survey participants were asked, "Which skills are required for good leadership?". 75 out of 16490 people participated in the survey.
According to the survey, 68 participants (90.7%) said that good leadership should have communication and team skills. On the other hand, 66 participants (88%) said that decision-making and problem-solving skills are essential for good leadership. Besides, 65 participants (86.7%) said that empathy and motivation skills are more important for good leadership. On the other hand, 66 participants (88%) felt that adaptability and time management skills are more essential for good leadership.
The survey also revealed that 62 participants (82.67%) felt that good leadership should have all the skills i.e. communication and teamwork skills, decision making and problem solving skills, empathy and motivation skills and adaptability and time management skills. It's important to stay.
In addition, the survey also showed that 3 participants (4%) supported showing empathy and enthusiasm and having the ability to adapt and manage time for good leadership. Again only 1 participant (1.33%) endorsed the presence of communication and teamwork skills and decision making and problem solving skills.
The survey also revealed that 5 (6.67%) participants agreed that good leadership requires communication and teamwork skills. In addition, 3 participants (4%) agreed on decision-making and problem-solving skills. On the other hand, only 1 participant (1.33%) supported the presence of adaptability and time management skills for good leadership.